Tuesday, 25 December 2012


We have used a combination of Acrylic colors, Markers, Pastels and Digital Painting for the final Output. This video was made to demonstrate to the traditional artists how traditional media can be used  for development of concept art and their leap to the digital world need not be overwhelming. Digital medium is always preferred by many artists due to its forgiving nature and the speed of output. However in the world of concept art for feature films and Games, concept artists use any medium they are comfortable with and do not essentially stick to the use of digital medium.

Monday, 24 December 2012

WINNERS Announced

Hello participants

                      VOLA!!!Here are the winners for the online concept art competition organized by Animation and Art School Goa. Congrats to the winners and all the participants. It was interesting to see some great entries.

Also please take a look at the winner section for jury reviews


Thank you all for participating and wish to see you all in the next competition

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Jury Announced

Announcing the jury for the online concept art challenge. The jury comprises of industry specialists with international feature film experience.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Exclusive Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

Hello people                    
                    These are some helpful tips that will help aspiring students to prepare better artwork for the   competition.At the same time skilled artists too could quickly brush up on the fundamentals before they begin work on the competition.If you don't plan to participate this video will still be of great help as a concise video document for art fundamentals.